Gillian & Paul's Engagement Shoot

It’s fair to say that Gillian and Paul were a little bit nervous ahead of their engagement shoot. The only way to fix that is of course, coffee and a good old chin wag! So that’s exactly what we did down at Cafe Riva in Inverkip Marina. It had been a while since we had last sat down and talked about the wedding so it was really lovely to be able to talk about all sorts with them again.

After lots of coffee and wedding words, we eventually set out to Inverkip Beach. I wanted to do a mix of on the beach before heading into the woods. Gillian and Paul were amazing, eventually taking to it like ducks to water. I think they had a pretty fab time and so much lovely light in the woods to be had too!

Here is a small selection for you all to enjoy.

Choose your attitude

Sometimes we wake up feeling crap about ourselves which then rubs off on to the day ahead and we end up having a crap day. We have a crap day because we woke up thinking we were going to have a crap day.

Sometimes we wake up with a spring in our step with a huge can do attitude and we have a kick ass day where we're extremely productive achieving two days work in just one day.

A long long time ago in my corporate blue chip company days, I remember doing one of 'those' courses/workshops. But what it taught me has stuck with me ever since. When you wake up in the morning, you have to choose your attitude. By doing so, it will directly influence the type of day you'll have.

Now I'm always extremely sceptical of all that kind of jazz, but it's true. Sometimes if you wake up feeling crap, by taking five minutes out of your morning routine and choosing you attitude, you can sometimes overcome all the negativity and turn it into a positive.

Don't get me wrong, even I have down days. And when I do, I tend to be quiet online, keep myself to myself and just battle on through, because when you're self employed you just have to. I'm an extremely positive person, but sure, I have down days. You can't possibly be positive all of the time. I have rants. I have moans. But I try and moan a little less than I used to these days, refusing to become a stereotypical 'grumpy old man'!

Most of the time though, I try my best to remain positive about things. And whenever I'm feeling positive about myself and what I'm doing, I think it's really important to rub some of that positivity off on to somebody else. Because everybody could use some positivity from time to time.

So if you're feeling a little low today, due to the weather, due to life's problems, due to whatever the hell has landed at your feet today unexpectedly, don't worry. Either have a down day and go and hide yourself away and come back fighting tomorrow, or choose your attitude to overcome today.

Yesterday I took photos of lots of cats. So below, you have 'grumpy cat' and you also have 'get out of my face' cat. You can be either, nobody will mind.

Happy Friday everyone.


Most three year olds are very shy. Most three year olds run off and hide from me. Most three year olds have little tantrums for absolutely no reason. Amoya is not most three year olds. She was full of smiles, completely adorable and full of joy. She couldn't wait to show me her reading books and toys in her room. She wondered up the path without a care in the world and walked amongst the flowers in her three year old world. She made this particular photo shoot an absolute delight and I'm so pleased to bring you a small selection for you to enjoy.

Nikki & Alastair's Engagement Shoot, Loch Drunkie, The Trossachs

I recently fell in love with a new and unexplored area of Scotland, near Aberfoyle. I have Nikki and Alastair to thank for this as they wanted their engagement shoot to take place within a stones throw of their new home, Gartmore.

I met them at their rented cottage for a chat about their wedding over a coffee before going off to do the shoot. Although they've now lived in the area for over a year, we still managed to venture into a part of The Trossachs they had never been to, always exciting! We took Dukes Pass just beyond Aberfoyle and turned onto the Achray Forest Drive. The main thing Nikki and Alastair wanted was to be captured together in this beautiful landscape. I also knew that they wanted some lovely pink heather to be featured too. With that in mind and my love of textures such as tree bark and pine cones, we stumbled first upon a fantastic viewpoint with Loch Drunkie stretched out in front of us. It was truly breathtaking.

We found a number of different spots along the way and the weather didn't disappoint either as I placed them as naturally as possible in the area they both love.

Once we had finished the shoot we took a trip to Gartmore Village where not only is their new house situated, but is also the location of their wedding. They're currently completely renovating an old house which will soon become their new home and they took great pleasure in showing me the old place, I'm a stickler for old buildings. Then it was off to the Parish Church and Village Hall together with a quick walk around the village looking for some nice spots for photos.

We ended the day with a meal at The Forth Inn in Aberfoyle which proved to be the perfect end to an amazing day spent with a fabulous couple. Here is a small selection of what I captured that day.

Ruth & John's Wedding, Duck Bay Marina, Loch Lomond

I was so pleased when John got in touch asking me if I could photograph his wedding. I'd played football with John a couple of times many moons ago and I regularly play football with his brother James. His sister Anne Marie is best friends with my sister in law. So one of those weddings where everybody knows somebody and we're somehow connected. I don't know why, but that made me even more nervous than I already was (I get nervous before every wedding!).

Ruth, John and their children Francesca, Charlie and Ethan live and work in Dubai. A far cry from the damp day we had in Scotland for their wedding day. Because of their location, there was no time to do an engagement shoot but I was still keen to meet them all a couple of days before the wedding as I'd not met Ruth and the kids.

Their wedding day arrived and so off I went over the Clyde in the general direction of Loch Lomond. I spent a couple of hours with Ruth and her bridesmaids, capturing them getting ready along with details of her dress etc. It was very grey and drizzly and I was hoping for a little break in the weather by the time their reception arrived. Then back over to Port Glasgow for the wedding at St John's for the ceremony, a little damp but nothing too bad. We then all went back over to Duck Bay Marina for everybody arriving to drinks and canapΓ©s. It was wet outside. And cold. And in my head I was saying to myself "give me a break please" to the weather gods. When in this part of the world, with Loch Lomond and a jetty, you want a spell of dry weather for the couple, it's really not much to ask is it?!

Low and behold, we got a break in the weather just as I finished the family group photos indoors. Right bridesmaids, it was time to man up (or woman up), we were going outside! On to the jetty we went, with gaps between the planks and high heels, it was an experience. Then from somewhere, brighter weather arrived and we got some lovely shots, hurray!

This wedding finished on a high as the wedding band The Jiggers struck up a Ceilidh. Always a laugh as you get those who haven't a clue what's going on and those who get right stuck in to it. So many laughs, funny faces and hilarity ensued which just made me want to stop what I was doing and join in! 

Here is a selection of what I captured for Ruth and John's amazing day for you all to enjoy.