kids — Stories — One Big Picture Photography


The Mills Family, Cuningar Loop, Glasgow

I love going to places I've never been before and Cuningar Loop was one of those places. An amazing space to get lost in with plenty of places to take some lovely family photos. I'd photographed Fiona and Jonathan's wedding around six years ago and also caught up with their son Charlie when he was nearly two years old. It was my first time meeting Gabby and both her and Charlie were amazing to photograph. Lots of smiles and complete posers!

Here is a small selection to show you what we got up to.

Lifestyle Family Shoot: Harvey & Family, Greenock, Scotland

Having one grandchild in any family is a very special time as was the case with Harvey. Everybody dotes on him, lots of fun is always had with him and all involved are left wondering what on earth did they do before he came along.

I loved my time with Harvey and co and simply watched them all play together. So many smiles and a great opportunity to bring family members together. Harvey was the centre of attention as I’m sure he always is. It was great to float about capturing them playing and laughing. We spent some time indoors and then ventured out into the garden.

Here is a selection of what I captured that day, enjoy!


Most three year olds are very shy. Most three year olds run off and hide from me. Most three year olds have little tantrums for absolutely no reason. Amoya is not most three year olds. She was full of smiles, completely adorable and full of joy. She couldn't wait to show me her reading books and toys in her room. She wondered up the path without a care in the world and walked amongst the flowers in her three year old world. She made this particular photo shoot an absolute delight and I'm so pleased to bring you a small selection for you to enjoy.

Baby Penelope

I first met Penelope at Three Sisters Bake's Baby Social when she was just a few months old. So I was very excited when her mum asked me to take more photos of her as she neared her first birthday. It was a bit damp outside so we used the living area come play room at the back of the house which was flooded with lovely light. 

I spent over an hour watching Penelope play with her toys and she had the most adorable smile ever. How could I not share that with you? Here is a small selection of what I captured.

The Dunnet Family, Lunderston Bay, Scotland

There's nothing I love more than watching a family have fun together in the great outdoors. On this particular occasion, the forecast was grey and damp, but low and behold, somewhere beyond the clouds there was a big orange thing lurking and trying to break through. The resulting light was spectacular as I watched dad leap across the water to some rocks, closely followed by mum and their three children.

Lunderston Bay is one of my favourite locations to capture a family. There are so many textures spread across a relatively small area. Everything from beaches and rocks to long grasses and tree bark. Perfect.

Here is a small selection of images I captured on what was an amazing day. Enjoy!

Fancy a Lifestyle Family Shoot just like this one? Find out more here.