Every now and again I’ll take some time out to explore new places, just me and my camera. Recently I was invited to Blairquhan Castle in Maybole, Ayrshire and given full access and the freedom to roam. It’s the best way to do it as there’s no time pressures and I can take my time to walk the corridors, explore the basement and stand and admire all the little details.
Blairquhan Castle didn’t disappoint. Standing in the places where servants worked and the Hunter-Blair family once walked, it gave me a chance to lose myself in my imagination. If you want to know a bit more about the history of the castle, you can here.
The main reason for my visit though was to explore all the areas where I would take a wedding couple, both inside and out. The castle is so vast and there’s plenty of spaces to choose from. Then there’s the outside with it’s quaint little courtyard and stable buildings. Taking rustic to the next level. Below are a collection of images I captured which will hopefully give you an insight into what Blairquhan Castle has to offer, especially if you have never been.
Join me at the Blairquhan Castle Wedding Open Day on Sunday 28 October. More details here.