Beau Gateau: The temptation of cake

One of the hardest parts of my job is when I get asked to photograph cake. Of course, the really wide shots, well, they're a walk in the park. But capturing extreme close ups of the texture and details? That's when this job becomes extremely difficult. You see, the biggest hurdle I have to overcome, is smell. Some of these cakes smell so good I can almost taste them without eating them. I begin salivating and my belly starts to rumble. I crave cake. I want to devour this work of art that sits in front of me. Sugar and chocolate are all consuming of my nostrils as I battle these incredible urges to eat cake!

Of course, the true professional that I am resists all temptation and I continue in capturing the creations of some of the most amazing cake makers around. Today it would be the turn of Micheala from Beau Gateau. Not only did Michaela ask me to capture some of her cakes, it took place in one of the most spectacular settings, St Andrew's in the Square in Glasgow. Below you will find a small selection of what we created that day and a brilliant example of what Michaela can do for you.

When the unexpected happens...

In over seven years of photographing weddings, I've never, missed, one. Until now. And I feel absolutely terrible about it.

It was two days before the wedding, all was fine and I was out working as normal. But that evening, my body shivered uncontrollably for at least six hours through the night. Be it a fever or the flu, when I awoke on the Friday morning, I knew one thing was for certain, I would not be well enough to photograph the Carys and Dan's wedding the following day and I had to get somebody else to cover the wedding in my place. The important thing was to have that in place before I contacted them to break the bad news. The last thing I wanted was for them to be panicking the day before their wedding day.

So I put the feelers out to see if anybody was available. At this point, it's worth pointing out that I'm very fortunate to be part of a great network of photographers - some I'm very close to and speak to most days and others who I speak to less frequently and whom I've never physically met. Within half an hour I had a photographer who was willing to take on my wedding for me. Relieved, the next thing to do was to contact the couple. I was so ill that I could barely speak let alone walk so a phone call was out of the question. I relied on a Facebook message and a phone text, which just felt wrong but there was nothing else I could do. The main point of my message though after revealing the bad news was the reassurance that I had arranged a replacement photographer.

It then took all of my energy to get my laptop out and email over all the information over to the new photographer, the hero of the hour or more commonly known as Dougie! But the story doesn't end there. I've worked with Dougie a few times and know him well and I knew I could trust his judgement when it came to the wedding. Which is good because the wedding didn't really feature in my thoughts that day, I just wanted to go back to bed and feel better as soon as possible. 

Dougie was a true professional. He contacted Carys, the bride, and arranged to meet her later that afternoon, in his words, to give her peace of mind. And that's not all, Dougie even made the effort to go and visit the venue the following morning prior to starting the wedding coverage, what a trooper! 

Because of Dougie's efforts, the Carys and Dan didn't panic and they never worried about anything photography related on their wedding day. And what's more, they appreciated me going to the effort of arranging a replacement photographer.

I never ever thought the day would come where I was forced to pull out of a wedding. But it did. I am human after all and these things happen I suppose. The main reason for me telling you all this is to reassure couples who are planning their wedding that they're in good hands and that I too am in good hands in terms of a fantastic network of fellow photographers. We all know it could happen to any one of us which makes us all more than willing to step forward at a moments notice should we be asked to.

Despite what happened, I still feel...oh I don't know, a sense of huge disappointment in that I didn't get to share Carys and Dan's wedding day with them. I had met them a few times and done an engagement shoot with them. We had built up a relationship and got to know one another. It left us all hugely looking forward to the wedding day. So to miss the main event makes me feel very sad. I never got to meet their friends and family. Every wedding day means so much to me so to miss out on one is pretty devastating.

Looking through all their wedding images I've got to in some sense witness the events of their wedding day, but it's just not the same as having been there in person. That said, Carys and Dan will still love their wedding photos and after all is said and done, they had a photographer on their wedding day to capture it all and that's what matters most.

For now, a massive thank you to Dougie Cunningham from Leading Lines Photography for covering for me. Here is a small taster of what's to come.

Andrew & Andrew's engagement shoot

What can I say about Andrew and Andrew? Well, they're a great laugh and make fabulous coffee! We've had lots of fun chats each time we've met and there are lots of lovely little details that will happen on their wedding day that I can't wait to photograph.

They both live very close to Queen's Park (well, they used to until they moved into their new house last week), so that would be our location for their engagement shoot. A place where they have spent lots of time walking around and generally chilling out. Which is exactly what we did together. We walked and talked and talked and walked. Boy did we walk! And we found lots of lovely little places where I captured them both together. A mix of nervous emotions coupled with lots of endearing love for the other. Perfect! See for yourself . . .

Julia & Gordon's Wedding, Lochgreen House Hotel

It's well over 10 years since I had last seen Julia when we used to work together in Nottingham. Facebook has helped us to keep in touch and whilst I moved north of the border, Julia jetted off to work and play in Dubai and now Oman where she met Gordon.

I was delighted when she got in touch to ask if I would photograph their small and intimate wedding which was to take place at Lochgreen House Hotel in Troon, Scotland. Gordon is Scottish and they wanted a small wedding with close friends and family and especially for Gordon's Gran. After the wedding, Julia and Gordon would fly to Thailand to join their friends and have another wedding celebration!

I travelled down to Lochgreen House to meet them both the day before the wedding as I really wanted to meet Gordon and see Julia again before the big day. It was also lovely to be able to meet lots of their family too.

The weather was absolutely awful. Windy and wet was the order of the day. But it certainly didn't dampen anyones spirits. It was a lovely ceremony in a gorgeous room which was also the setting for the speeches and meal.

Here is a small selection of images that tell the story of Julia and Gordon's wedding day.

Enchanted Forest and Friends: It all happened in a tweet!

I have a list of small businesses who I'd absolutely love to work with. Sometimes, I just stride right in with a hello and how about we do something like this? It doesn't always work though. But for Enchanted Forest Nursery and Enchanted Forest and Friends, it did! Only, it came by way of an endorsement on Twitter late one evening. Sometimes it's about being in the right place at the right time and I'm a great believer of things happen for a reason. You know the saying, 'If it's for you it won't go by you'.

I was about to go to bed one night when, all of a sudden, I found myself chatting to Three Sisters Bake on Twitter and in comes Enchanted Forest Nursery who were watching my tweets with interest. One amazing endorsement later from Three Sisters Bake laid way for a meeting with Enchanted Forest Nursery! Hurrah! And so the journey began . . .

Bernie & Mariessa Devlin

Bernie & Mariessa Devlin

I had such an amazing first meeting with the owners of Enchanted Forest Nursery (heck, I'm going to refer to them as EFN or EFF from here on in) Mariessa and Bernie. And not only that, we met at Three Sisters Bake in Quarriers Village! There we chatted about our businesses, our passions and how we were going to work together. I've loved the EFN brand for a long while now, a collection of nurseries that are quite simply, amazing. But I was soon to learn of Bernie's passion for his creation, Enchanted Forest and Friends (EFF from now on!), a collection of woodland characters who would form the foundation of a brand new children's clothing range.

Zed Fox character backpack, find out more here.

Zed Fox character backpack, find out more here.

A few weeks later I picked up the first batch of clothing from Bernie. My idea was to take it into some woodland and photograph all of the items. But the weather had other ideas. It would be another three weeks before we had our first dry and sunny day in Inverclyde and I was so pleased to finally get out and explore an amazing location that was perfect. Not only did I have the clothes, but also Zed Fox and Miss Bun Bun, two children's back packs complete with a fleecy blanket and they also double up as a travel pillow/companion.

The next part of the plan was to take some real children wearing the clothes out to the beach, but once again, the weather thwarted any hope of that. So we were forced to hire an indoor space where I captured lots of children wearing the clothes, just in time for the reveal of the brand new EFF website

With all the clothing photography done and the website launched, it was then over to the nursery side where I was asked to capture a variety of settings depicting the activities that take place on a daily basis. The photography will be used in a brand new prospectus and will be available on their website. It was so much fun to spend time with the staff and the children and have the freedom to watch them learn, explore and get covered in all sorts of things. My favourite being where they squirted shaving foam into each childs hand and all over the play table. I was poised to take some photos when all of a sudden, the staff member told the kids to clap their hands. Cue me getting absolutely covered in the stuff, happy to report my camera came off okay! Phew.

I've thoroughly enjoyed working with Mariessa, Bernie and their amazing team and I hope to do more work with them in the future. Please please please, and especially if you have kids of your own, check out the new clothing range, it's pretty awesome!

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